“When moving from place to place you need a plan.”

There is so much to think about when moving home. So we have developed the O’Brien’s moving kit. It contains helpful tips and information to assist you with your move and make things as easy as they can be. People have been known to liken moving with a funeral or a nightmare and while that is not quite true. Moving house can be very stressful.

1 - Make a Plan

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1.   The very first thing you do is make a plan.
Start with an exercise book or set up a file on the computer, you are able to print.

2.   Start your planning early.
The best way to do this is to make up a number of lists.
Decide on the date of the move and placed that date on top of the page.

2 - Make a List

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The lists…
A. What you DON’T want to take with you.
B. Items you might donate to a charity. You may consider selling a few things on
C. E-Bay or an online Auction.
D. List the items that you are consider giving to family.
E. Things you will just.
F. Clothes, shoes and stuff in wardrobes, cupboards or draws to throw out or go to the tip.

3 - Sort out Your Possessions

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A. List the items you may consider placing into storage.
You will need to make enquires and work out you get the items there.
B. Decide if you are going to hold a garage sale.
If so you need to work out the advertisements and the date that it is to be held and don’t forget
to think about what you will do with the items that are left over after the sale.
C. You may need to hire a box trailer or Ute to remove the rubbish.
Find a place that hires them and book it.
D. Make up a list of all the organisations that you will need to update your details.

4 - Organise the Move

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Once you have made up your plan & lists…
You will have a very good idea of what is going to be moved and all the things you need to do. If you have not done so already it is time grab a quick quote from O’Brien Removals – You can do that by click on the link at the top or bottom of any page.

5 - Other things to organise

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Other things you will need to take care of…
A. Cancel the milk and papers or any other items you have delivered.
B. Cancel or move the paid television account.
C. Book in the cleaners or carpet cleaner.
D. Call the Real estate agents you are move out and arrange an inspection day.
E. Request a bond refund.
F. Select a day with the agent to return the keys.
G. Cancel or move the Electricity and or Gas accounts as at a certain date.
H. Post office and set up mail redirection.
I. Advise organisations that you deal with that you are moving.
J. Subscriptions or accounts will need to be changed or advised of your move.
K. Set a side some time to defrost the fridge and freezer.
L. Unscrew the washing machine taps and drain the machine.
M. Approaching moving day unplug all the electrical items roll up and tie all the cords.
N. If you are moving interstate you will need to remove yourself from the electoral roll.
O. Don’t for get the computer – You may need to reset email address among other things.
P. Other Items – make a list

6 - Packing Supplies

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You will need to think about how you are going to pack items…
It is a good idea to try to keep as many cartons you intending packing the same size.
It makes it easer to load and pack on the removal truck.

A. How many cartons will you require?
B. Rolls of packaging tape.
C. String.
D. Felt pens to mark the cartons. It is also a good idea to number the cartons.
E. Old news papers for rapping and packing. Try not to make the cartons to heavy. You don’t want them breaking open due to weight.
F. Other Items – make a list

7 - Advise the removalist about

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Things to advise the removalist about…
A. If you reside in or are moving to a busy street and it is hard to park.
B. Will the truck have easy access at the pick up or delivery address?
C. Are there stairs in either property?
D. Do you have a piano, organ or Pianola?
E. Other Items – make a list

8 - Other things to consider

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A. Is the area you living or moving to subject to flooding?
B. Is the area you living or moving to Wet seasons or Fire?
C. Other Items – make a list

9 - Personal things

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A. Pack a bag with a few clothes just in case there are nay delays.
B. Medication and prescriptions need to be kept with you.
C. Money, credit cards, jewellery should all be carried by you.
D. Other Items – make a list

At O’Brien’s … We Care and everything is IMPORTANT!


Local, Interstate & Overseas Removals and Storage


The O'Briens Removals commitment is to provide our customers with the finest quality Removal & Storage services.


Call or email us today – 1300OBMOVEsales@obrienremovals.com.au

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